About The Products

This page is designed to help you understand some of the aspects about the majority of the products sold on this site. Please take the time to read about them and if you still have questions or concerns, go to the Contact page and send me an email. When you’re ready to start shopping, click on the “hamburger stack” icon (three lines, one on top of another) and select “Products”.

This is a Standard Tag, available with engraving on both sides. Here, the pet’s name is engraved on the front. The back of the tag has 2 phones numbers in a smaller sized text (not shown for privacy purposes).

This is a Standard Tag, available with engraving on both sides. Here, the pet’s name is engraved on the front. The back of the tag has 2 phones numbers in a smaller sized text (not shown for privacy purposes).

A Few Words About Custom Engraved Tags ….

Choosing what to engrave on your pet’s ID tag should be something you put a good deal of consideration into: for not only style, rather for content and size of text. I will not tell you what YOU should put on it but, it seems to be the trend to place your pet’s name, two phone numbers, and perhaps a short phrase such as “If I’m Loose, I’m Lost”. A lot of folks like tags that can be engraved on both sides to add more information, such as an address or microchip number. My advice is: keep it simple so the text is large enough to read! You can put all the info on a tag you want but, if it’s too small for the average person to read, you’ve defeated the purpose of having a tag. NOTE: When you fill out the form, PLEASE make sure you type the information exactly how you want it to appear - that means spelling and capitalization counts so make sure if you type in ALL CAPS, that’s how you want it to appear on the tag. If you have questions or concerns about whether what you want engraved will fit on the tag, use the contact form and just ask me :-)

Bolo Tag Collars are the perfect lightweight collar for everyday use in and around the home or yard, or in addition to a walking collar, but the should never be used for restraint.

Bolo Tag Collars are the perfect lightweight collar for everyday use in and around the home or yard, or in addition to a walking collar, but the should never be used for restraint.

Leather Bolo Tag Collars - sizing and the nature of the beast.

Bolo Tag collars are designed to hang low & loose about the neck. Shown to the left is an example of how they fit on my dogs - the white & black dog wears a “MEDIUM”. To measure your dog, simply take a piece of string, place it around the base of your dog’s neck about an inch or two above the shoulder, and measure that string. A “SMALL” bolo is 16-17”, a “MEDIUM” is 18-19”, and a “LARGE” is 20-21”. I can make them smaller or larger by custom order - please contact me via email for details.

CAUTION: Bolo collars are NEVER meant to be used for restraint or attached to a leash; they are only meant from which to hang tags or collar charms. There are two reasons: 1. Extremely narrow collars can damage a pet’s neck or even cut into them if they are pulled hard & fast. 2. Bolo collars are made by inserting the leather into end caps and gluing them (with super glue) so they MAY break apart under a hard, fast, jerking motion and the pet would then be off leash with no identification on it.

Finally, because leather is a natural material, there will always be variations in the color and finish of the hide. I do my best to provide you with the best quality product available and photograph the color in its natural light to provide a fair representation but, due to dye lots and the different displays or computer monitors, the actual color may vary somewhat. If a drastic color difference should occur from one dye lot to another, I will add it as a different product or contact you about your order prior to shipping. It is also not uncommon for leather dyes to bleed when wet - for this reason, please remove your pet’s collar prior to bathing or prolonged exposure to water.

The only thing my girl would rather chase is a bunny, but squirrels will do just fine!

The only thing my girl would rather chase is a bunny, but squirrels will do just fine!

Collar Charms - Are They Charming?

I have always found that each and every one of my dogs have had something special about their personality! I think that collar charms allow us to express those unique attributes to others without ever having to say a word. Some are comical or whimsical, some are very loving, some are flashy and bold, others are serious or hunters. For this reason, I have always tried to adorn my dogs with a special “trinket” that says to others “I’m special!”. So, yes, I think charms are charming!

I’ve used both these products for my dogs’ tags and find that they are both a Godsend!

I’ve used both these products for my dogs’ tags and find that they are both a Godsend!

Accessories - the little things that make life easier

I often find that it’s the little things in life that make our day easier and more enjoyable. Take Tag Silencers for example: it’s Sunday morning, you have the day off and you’re looking forward to getting up once the sun peaks through your window but … Fido decides it’s time to do a full body shake and run after every toy in the house! All of a sudden, the jingling becomes a a cacophony of immense proportion. Well, there’s a simple solution: use Tag Silencers that fit around our most popular style tags. They’re easy to put on the tags, they’re inexpensive if you purchase them as an add on (so they ship with other items), and they help keep the peace on those mornings when you want to catch a few more winks.

Another example, one of convenience, is a tiny clip that allows you to change your pet’s tags from one collar to another without having to split & twist open those continuous rings. I have found one particular manufacturer that I like and have offered them on this site for sale. I have used them for the last 10 or 11 years and can’t tell you how much time they have saved me - or how many fingernails, either! Now, when I want to switch tag collars, I simply un-clip the tags from one and clip them to the other. Viola!